Saturday, July 7, 2012


Required Equipment - A high performance AEG or Spring power gun. (keep spring guns to sniper rifles please... we have no desire to have our support players using a Spring M60) NO AEG can exceed 402 fps with .20 gram bbs. This is Colorado Airsoft limit for Field weapons. For CQB, no gun may exceed 350 with .20's. For sniper rifles, no gun may exceed 3.0 joules of energy with the desired bb the shooter will be using. the maximum FPS for a sniper that i've seen is 490. anything above 500 is not to be used unless you use heavier bbs to dull down the FPS. 

* Tactical  Vest of any kind is required. if player does not have one, we can set you up with a cheap starter one. (player must pay for it $35).

* FULL SEAL GOGGLES REQUIRED. NO sunglasses, safety glasses or ski goggles. ANSI Approved goggles only. If players decide to use mesh goggles, they must be made of stamped steel.

* Some type of GREEN multicam camouflage. NO digital camo. We need to stay looking similar as a team. even though we are a mix of other military sectors. PLEASE wear a camouflage that is green, and matches your represented countries standard uniform. (USA - Multicam / Russia - Woodland tiger) NO RED OR BLUE head wear allowed. NO TAN CAMOUFLAGE OR VESTS

* Your country of origin is determined by your weapon system. if your primary weapon is an M4, your home country is America. AK weapons is Russia, so on and so forth. Preferably ALL weapons should have same country of origin but if you like to mix and match pick your favorite weapon and take its countries patch into battle.


*Extra Magazines
*Multiple Speedloaders
*Camelbacks/hydration equipment
*Tactical Slings
*Side Arms/Secondary Weapons
*Good Pair of Boots
*FULL uniform and tactical gear that represents your country of origin.

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